I went to Borobudur's a few weeks ago during Collage Trip. Borobudur's Temple is located in Magelang, Indonesia. As we all know, weather in Indonesia can be split into two seasons which is wet season and dry season. The dry season spans from May to September, meanwhile rains falling between October to April. Usually, the average daily tempratures hovering around 28-30°C but on that day it was 37° and feels like 39°.
Lucikly, i wore the right outfit. The Day before visiting Borobudur's i mix and matching my clothes that suitable for use in a dry season. cause i've predict the tempratures is gonna be up to 30°. I'm looking for a clothes whose the fabric isn't too bulky so it doesn't make me sweat too much. After a few mins mix and matching my clothes, i decide to wear blouse for the top and culottes for the bottom. Here's the look :
I Got the blouse from h&m's. My mom bought me the blouse so i don't really know how much it costs. The Culottes Pants that i'm wearing is from Restu Anggraini's x Matahari Collection. The price is around 500k if i;m not mistaken. BUT, I bought it when it was on SALE! So, it's only costs 100k. For the shoes, i'm wearing 2750-Cotu Classic White from Superga. the price for the shoes is 649k.
If you're wondering about the totebag that i wore, that was from my own Brand. but it's still on progress. . The Fabric is 100% from Canvas. So stay tune! I will post on this blog once it's release.
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